Minute Book of the Gainsborough Monthly Meeting of the Society of Friends, Volume II (1669-1689)
Minute Book of the Gainsborough Friends Vol. 1 1669-1689
Edited by Harold W. Brace Clerk of the Lincolnshire Monthly Meeting
Volume 1 of the three volume transcription of the minutes covers the period from 1669 to 1689. It opens with the following statement A booke of records for the monthly meeting on the North West Parts of the County of Lyncolne wherein for the information of such as are concerned is recorded severall things as well of publique as of particular concernment in relation to the pretious truth & those that make profession thereof. In these volumes are recorded in detail the activities of the Friends including their income, charitable giving, marriages and admonition of those not meeting their high standards.
- Frontispiece: Map of places mentioned in the text, 1 page
- Table of Contents, 1 page
- Minutes of Gainsborough meetings held in November 1945 approving the publication of this volume, 1 page
- Introduction, 15 pages
- The Minute Book pages 1-145, 137 pages
- Index of Persons and Places, 7 pages
- Index of Subjects, 3 pages
Language: English. The text uses the original seventeenth century spelling set in a modern typeface.
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