Chapter Acts of Lincoln Cathedral, Volume I (1520-1536)
Chapter Acts Vol. 1 1520-1536
Edited by R.E.G. Cole, M.A. Canon of Lincoln
This is the first of three volumes of the Act Books containing the minutes of the proceedings of the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln. Volume I contains the entries from October 1520 to the end of the Chapter year in September 1536. Originally the 464 folios were bound in one volume but they were rebound in two volumes in 1878. Ten folios are missing from the beginning of Volume 1 which now commences with the probate of a will on folio 11. At this time the diocese stretched from Oxford to the Humber and there is much it of interest to local historians, accessible through the comprehensive index.
Adapted from the Introduction to the volume.
- Contents, 1 page
- Introduction, 22 pages
- Chapter Acts, 200 pages
- Appendix I. Dignitaries & Prebendaries of Lincoln Cathedral A.D. 1520-1536, 6 pages
- Appendix II Subsidy of 1526, 3 pages
- Appendix III Signatures to Royal Supremacy, 3 pages
- Addenda et Corrigenda, 1 page
- Index, 22 pages
Language: English
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