Chapter Acts of Lincoln Cathedral, Volume III (1547-1559)
Chapter Acts Vol. 3 1547-1559
Edited by R.E.G. Cole, M.A. Canon of Lincoln
This is the third and last volume of the great minute book of the Chapter Acts of Lincoln Cathedral which from its bulk and weight had gained itself the name of the Liber Crassus. It contains folios 277-464d covering the period from 19 September 1547 to 19 September 1559. As seen in the previous two volumes there is a long and informative introduction which sets the historical scene both nationally and locally.
Adapted from the Introduction to the volume.
- Eratum, 1 page
- Contents, 1 page
- Preface, 1 page
- Introduction, 24 pages
- Plate: Sketch by Samuel H. Grimm, dated 1786 of a lot of persons crawling on a ladder from a gallery in Great Tom’s Tower to an opening in the south side of the same tower, which could not otherwise be entered.
- Note on Le Wynde in Lincoln Cathedral, 3 pages
- Chapter Acts, 170 pages
- Addendum, 1 page
- Appendix I Dignitaries & Prebendaries of Lincoln Cathedral A.D. 1547-1559, 6 pages
- Appendix II Displacements (Mostly Deprivations for Marriage) in the dignities and prebends, and in the patronage of Lincoln Cathedral Chapter, as shown by the Chapter Acts, 1 Mary, 6 July, 1553 - 1 Eliz., 17 November, 1559, 8 pages
- General Index, 18 pages
Language: English
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