The Register of Bishop Philip Repingdon, 1405-1419, Volume I
The Register of Bishop Philip Repingdon Vol. 1
Edited by Margaret Archer M.A. (Liverpool), B.Litt (Oxon) Lecturer in Medieval History, University of Birmingham
The Register of Philip Repingdon, bishop of Lincoln from 1405 to 1419, is in two volumes, the Institutions and the Memoranda., both in the Lincolnshire Archives. The Memoranda volume contains the miscellaneous business of the see. The Memoranda gives a clear picture of diocesan administration and the state of religious life in the See of Lincoln between 1405 and 1420. The Memoranda lacks, perhaps, the richness of material found in earlier Episcopal registers, and in some respects it may be a little disappointing. The selection of entries was determined by the registrar; thus, much space is given to the transcription of formal and sometimes repetitive documents, and inevitably much that would be of greater interest to us is omitted. Despite its shortcomings and omissions, however, the Memoranda is a fascinating and valuable record of ecclesiastical administration and religious life, not only in the diocese of Lincoln but in the English Church as a whole in the early fifteenth century.
Adapted from the Introduction.
- Editor’s Preface, 1 page
- General Editor’s Preface, 1 page, noting that for financial reasons Volumes I & II have been published together and recording that the British Academy have given a grant of £100 to each volume and that the University of Birmingham had given a grant of £100 to Volume II.
- Contents, 1 page
- Notes Concerning the Method of Transcription, 3 pages
- Principal Abbreviations Used in the Footnotes, 2 pages
- Introduction, 37 pages
- Memoranda 1405-1411, 209 pages
- The Indexes are in Volume II
Language: Mainly Latin with some entries in Medieval French and English; with English commentary
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